Saturday 20 June 2009

Final Fight

Jessica, the daughter of recently elected, impressively mustachioed and incorruptible Mayor of Metro City Mike Haggar, was
shopping in the Slumsville Mall: what could possibly go wrong? After leaving the centre with the latest Heat Magazine, an ankle chain and a really nice pair of jeans that made her backside look really great, the daffy bint was kidnapped by notorious local hoodlums, The Mad Gear Gang.

The police were as much good as an ashtray on a motorbike and the reconstruction on Crimewatch, whilst suitably over-the-top and impressively acted, unfortunately didn’t bring up any leads. So Mike did what any concerned father, former street fighter and holder of the office of Mayor would do: he strips to the waist, drafts in Jess’s boyfriend and his equally tasty-in-a-fight mate and sets off to get her back. Our Mike is not in the mood for talking: negotiation is not an option for this man. No, the only language this human detritus understands is a weapons-grade­­ ass kicking. He aims to get his kid back by beating several shades of stuffing out of every person they meet on the way, who luckily all are card carrying members of the Mad Gears, using fists, feet, weapons and avant garde dancing.

Welcome to Capcom’s Final Fight, released in 1990.

The Amiga puts up a good fight, squeezing all of the game, characters, some passable music and beefy sound effects on two lowly little floppy disks. It retains the two player game too making this a seemingly impossible exercise in optimising: it’s more tightly packed than Keeley Hazell’s swimsuit. The game’s been simplified in places and the pedantic will notice that some of the attack patterns of the enemies are different, but it’s still a very respectable conversion and a great game.